Category Archives: Business Growth

Business Growth, Managing Change & Vaccine Production – Wockhardt Pharmaceuticals

Wockhardt is one of the largest generic pharmaceutical companies in the UK and employ over [...]

Expanding My Healthcare Business – Leadership Skills for Business Growth

Paul Cooper, recent 20Twenty graduate and Group Chief Executive at PTH Enterprises which includes the [...]

Senedd Election 2021 – Who’s in Favour of a New WDA?

By Professor Brian Morgan – 20Twenty Business Growth Programme Director With the 2021 Senedd elections [...]

Achieving Business Growth Through The Power Of The Mind

Jed Hassid – Strategic Business Planning Lecturer on the 20Twenty Leadership Programme. As the UK emerges [...]

How To Innovate When Times Are Tough. Harnessing Your Pandemic Response For a Better Future

By Andy Green – 20Twenty Leadership Programme Tutor. The pandemic has provided Welsh business leaders [...]